Turn Your Fantasy Into Reality!
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$ 9.00

*Custom Video Script*

It would be great if Jenny could wear something athletic. Most important she's sleeveless.It would be great if she could be an femme who enjoys her dominance. She comes to introduce herself as a new neighbor. The guy let's her in, they talk a little and he's making her compliments about her shape. She flexes her biceps, shows off and challenges him to an arm wrestling match, which she easily wins.

Now he wanted to leave the room to get something to drink but she won't let him. She overwhelms him and puts him in a er hold. He's begging she should let him go but she's just laughing and enjoying his struggling.

Now she tells him that all his fighting is senseless and it's over soon. She knocks him out with the er, checks his pulse and noticed he's still alive. She's a little disappointed, tells herself that now she will make it right.

Running time - 9:34

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